From a beginner's perspective; I would love to see how someone familiar with adding in the tagging features that support the analytical side of the app would do this. I don't have any bad habits yet; and I find that I'm perhaps not thinking about the methodology to make full use of Granthika correctly.
Not being familiar with how it works or how I'll use it yet; I tend to add these things as a second thought. Although I do add characters now as soon as they're created or thought about. I can see that adding events could be used to organize the story line; but, not sure if or how this would be done. Locations occur naturally; but, I don't always think of a place as a location till the story has developed some; this is great; but, for all of these there might be a more uniform approach that will allow a better use of the features. Any ideas on this would be greatly enjoyed.
One example might be on when to include an entire paragraph, a key word, or series of words. What kind of information do I include in the event, or location. Is it better to create a link or connection or an event and location. I can see here I may not fully understand the benefits of proper linking associations.