






Gender Bias Metrics, Event and Timeline Fixes, Formatting Operations etc.

As a result of interest in identifying social and stylistic biases in manuscripts we have introduced several new experimental metrics related to character gender in the present release.
Gender Bias Metrics
Writers will be able to track gender pronoun usage, see the ratio of male to female characters in their novel, and also perform conformity analysis which identifies actions and descriptions associated with characters and compares those to larger trends. These metrics are calculated either for the entire manuscript or for individual discourse elements and can be seen from the TOC and Details panels, under Metrics.
Entity/Mention Identification in Selected Text
Named entity recognition was previously available at the level of a discourse element, but with this update users will be able to run the Analyzer on any selection of text (e.g. several paragraphs within a chapter).
Event and Timeline Issues
BUG FIX: Due to event logic and relationship consistency analysis processes the event manager would either slow down or become unresponsive. The associated background processes have been streamlined to avoid user interface problems in both the event manager and the timeline.
Misc. Formatting Fixes
BUG FIX: Italics and bold keystroke operations and related formatting toolbar use were exhibiting intermittent problems, and these have been fixed. Also position of the formatting toolbar has been adjusted to avoid overlap with chapter/scene/section end markers.
Discourse Element Title Behaviors
BUG FIX: Extra long chapter/scene/section titles now do not overlap with the other panels. Paragraph text and titles cannot be accidentally merged in the Editor.