Discourse Element Splits, @ Shortcut Usability, and Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
In this release we have focused on bug fixes and flow optimizations. Our goal is to make some of the more repetitive tasks associated with importing from Word, or creating mentions smoother and quicker.
Discourse Element Splits
When users import from Word, they currently have to recreate their chapter/scene/section structure (i.e. their discourse elements) in the TOC section manually. Now, with this new feature the process is alleviated. They can position the cursor where the end of chapter one should be and hit Ctrl+Enter. This will give them an option to turn the text above into a chapter/section or scene. Users can keep moving to the next "endpoint," and hitting Ctrl+Enter for the next chapter, and so on until the TOC panel is populated with all discourse elements. A video demonstrating this is available in the Granthika documentation.
@ Shortcut Behavior
You can type @ & the name of a character/location/event or object in order to create a mention in your manuscript. This will open a menu with all the entity names that match what you are typing (e.g. start typing @she... and a menu will open with Sherlock Holmes, Sherwood Forest etc listed). With the current release, the first candidate in the menu will be selected and you can press Enter to confirm the selection. This automation ensures a mouse-free mention-creating experience which doesn't ruin your flow!
Copy/Pasting from Word "respects" Paragraphs
BUG FIX: Now, when you paste from MS Word paragraphs are successfully recreated.
Analyzer Display
BUG FIX: The text in the Analyzer module shows the same paragraph separators that are in the manuscript.
Multiple Notes Created
BUG FIX: When a note was added, multiple copies of it appeared in the story element managers. This is no longer occurring.
QuickView Appearing at Bottom of Page
BUG FIX: Clicking on QuickView for a mention either from the floating toolbar, by right-clicking and then selecting Open-View Details, or by hitting Ctrl+Q resulted in the QuickView showing at the bottom of the page. Now it appears correctly above the mention.
Creating an Event from the Timeline
BUG FIX: The dialog box defaulted to today's date. With this release the previous date used is prepopulated as a sample.
Event Jumble on Timeline
BUG FIX: Under some conditions, the events on the timeline would stack on top of each other. This behavior has been eliminated.
Formatting Toolbar Hiding Search Result Highlights
BUG FIX: When users conduct searches and click within the search results, the editor will go to the term being searched. If this term is at the top of the page in the editor and the Formatting Toolbar is showing - the search result would show behind the toolbar. With the current fix, it will show underneath it.